Poetry review – LET ME TELL YOU WHAT I SAW: Ruth Valentine reviews a well-made selection of Adnan Al-Sayegh’s vivid and disturbing poetry
year 2020
Poetry review – WEST SOUTH NORTH NORTH SOUTH EAST: Mat Riches navigates a sometimes disturbing and frequently sensual collection by Daniel Bennett
Poetry review – THE PEREGRINE FALCONS OF YORK MINSTER: Alwyn Marriage finds a “delicious mixture of humour and pathos” in Carole Bromley’s collection
Poetry review- JANUARY: Emma Storr enjoys a varied and accessible first collection by Sarah Barr
Poetry review – FARMERS, QUEENS, TRAINS AND CLOWNS : Charles Rammelkamp finds both lament and celebration in a character-filled collection by g emil reutter
Poetry review – translating silence : Mat Riches admires the consistent and creative evocation of silence in a chapbook by Mike Barlow
Poetry review – BIG SEXY LUNCH: Pat Edwards enjoys fresh, boisterous and irreverent poems by Roxy Dunn
Poetry review – KISSING IN THE DARK: Carla Scarano follows Pat Edwards in a poetic exploration of identity and relationships
THE HOUSE WITH THREE EYES: John Lucas encounters a page-turner in John Harding’s atmospheric novel about mysterious events in Venice
Poetry review – ALPHA: D A Prince follows Mike Di Placido’s poetic musings on not being unusually heroic
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • books, poetry reviews, year 2020 0 • Tags: books, D A Prince, poetry