Poetry review – ANXIOUS BRICOLAGE: Jennifer Johnson is intrigued and impressed by an unusual long poem from Richard Leigh

Poetry review – WASH: Charles Rammelkamp relishes Ebony Stewart’s lively and down-to-earth take on life

Poetry review – AT A TANGENT: Neil Elder admires a well put together New and Selected from John Weston

Poetry review – AFTER THE RITES AND SANDWICHES: Nicki Heinen admires Kathy Pimlott’s poetry composed in the face of grief and loss

Poetry review – CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Alwyn Marriage considers a new selection of Rilke’s poetry translated by Martyn Crucefix

Poetry review – JUST BREATHE: Emma Storr is moved by Trish Kerrison’s poems dealing frankly with the challenges of long-term illness

Write like a man. Review by Julia Pascal. Ronnie A. Grinberg’s detailed analysis of mid-twentieth century America’s masculine Jewish literary elites is a careful examination of the major personalities.

Poetry review – OKAPI: Rosie Johnston considers Fiona Moore’s book-length poem of eloquent reflection on disorienting personal experience

Poetry review – A BIRD CALLED ELAEUS: Edmund Prestwich admires David Constantine’s contemporary renderings of selections from an anthology spanning some 2000 years of Greek poetry
Poetry review – TINY BRIGHT THORNS: Marcelle Newbold admires the way Jen Feroze makes poetry from impressions of early motherhood
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • added recently on London Grip, books, poetry reviews, year 2025 0 • Tags: books, Marcelle Newbold, poetry