The Magic Realism of the Taviani Brothers. Review by Alan Price. With the films of the Taviani Brothers we have a pair of cinema magicians, great fabulists steeped in the art of literary storytelling, who directed engrossing tales of beauty and imagination.
year 2023
Poetry review – DINING WITH THE DEAD: Melissa Todd admires Fiona Sinclair’s skill at re-presenting the everyday as something special
Poetry Review – MUSINGS: Charles Rammelkamp appreciates Tony Dawson’s mixing of wit and understanding of human nature
Poetry review – A LAND BETWEEN BORDERS: Mat Riches explores the poetic territories mapped out in Mike Barlow’s latest collection
THE PROCESS OF POETRY: Roger Caldwell browses an instructive selection of case studies in poetic composition compiled by Rosanna McGlone
Poetry review – BIRDS KNIT MY RIBS TOGETHER : Giles Watson reviews Phil Barnett’s collection which records close personal encounters with the natural world
Poetry review – EDGAR: Stephen Claughton considers Malcolm Carson’s extended exploration of a poetic persona
Poetry review – DEAD LETTERS: Rosie Johnston admires a collection of elegant and generous poems by Carole Coates
Scala!!! Review by Alan Price. Last night I attended a screening of the new documentary Scala!!! which tells the story of London’s Scala cinema from the 1960s to its closure in 1993. Its most fondly remembered home was in a seedy King’s Cross long before its eventual gentrification.
It’s A Wonderful Life . Review by Alan Price. Christmas is coming and in many parts of the world Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life will be screened in cinemas and on television.
Pirates of Penzance. Review by Barbara Lewis. Sasha Regan’s all male operetta productions faithfully capture the febrile atmosphere of student interpretations in which adolescent boys, with raging hormones, play all the parts male and female, compounding the absurdity of Gilbert and Sullivan’s plots.
By Barbara Lewis • musicals, theatre, year 2023 • Tags: Barbara Lewis, musicals, theatre