Poetry review – BLOOD IS BLACK IN THE SHADOWS: Charles Rammelkamp finds unexpected pleasures amid the bleakness of Dennis Gulling’s poetic vignettes
Charles Rammelkamp
THE BRAILLE ENCYCLOPEDIA: Charles Rammelkamp reviews a collection of essays by Naomi Cohn which reflect on her experience of losing eyesight
THE BOOKSTORE BOOK: Charles Rammelkamp reviews a memoir in poetry and prose by Ron Kolm
Poetry review – APPEAR TO DANCE: Charles Rammelkamp finds Linda Kleinbub’s poetic diary to be a powerful reminder of life amid the COVID pandemic
Poetry review – MERMAIDS OF ALBUQUERQUE: Charles Rammelkamp enjoys the realistic optimism in Elizabeth Cohen’s poems
Poetry review – THE UNDER HUM: Charles Rammelkamp admires the range and virtuosity of a new collection by Simone Muench & Jackie K. White
Poetry review – SPELLBOOK OF ORDINARY MISTAKES: Charles Rammelkamp is drawn into the life experiences which inspire Jane LeCroy’s poems
Poetry review – LOSS AND ITS ANTONYM: Charles Rammelkamp admires Alison Prine’s poetry about grief and love
Poetry review – THE DEPARTURE SONATAS: Charles Rammelkamp finds Wade Stevenson’s approach to mortality to be both lyrical and wise
Poetry review – UNTIL NEXT TIME: Charles Rammelkamp finds the blues running through this major retrospective collection of g emil reutter’s poetry
Poetry review – FASSBINDER: HIS MOVIES, MY POEMS: Charles Rammelkamp examines Drew Pisarra’s poetic tribute to the films of Rainer Fassbinder
Poetry review –NAMING A HURRICANE: Charles Rammelkamp is astonished by the forceful and personal poetry in Madeline Artenberg’s new collection
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • books, poetry reviews, year 2024 0 • Tags: books, Charles Rammelkamp, poetry