Poetry Review – Blue Wallpaper: John Forth is impressed by the autobiographical element in Robert Hamberger’s new collection
John Forth
John Forth finds that – among its many other achievements – Ann Drysdale’s poetry nearly always cheers him up
John Forth appreciates the sense of knowledge and information worn lightly that runs through the poetry of Tony Roberts
John Forth appreciates a carefully-compiled first collection by Andrew Geary
John Forth finds that John Levett’s new collection raises a number of questions
John Forth welcomes Robert Walton’s second collection – even if it comes a long time after the first
John Forth investigates the thinking behind the poems in Peter Bland’s latest collection
John Forth praises a poetry anthology which rises to the challenge of saying something original about birds
John Forth identifies with much that appears in a poetic memoir by Alexis Lykiard
John Forth finds that humour is one of the keys to the success of Alberto Torrealba’s tale of a poetic duel (translated by Timothy Adès)
Poetry review – The Tipping line: John Forth finds that Paul Maddern’s collection is far less daunting than its unusual form might suggest
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • books, poetry reviews, year 2020 0 • Tags: books, John Forth, poetry