Poetry review – THE DEPARTURE SONATAS: Charles Rammelkamp finds Wade Stevenson’s approach to mortality to be both lyrical and wise
Charles Rammelkamp

Poetry review – UNTIL NEXT TIME: Charles Rammelkamp finds the blues running through this major retrospective collection of g emil reutter’s poetry

Poetry review – FASSBINDER: HIS MOVIES, MY POEMS: Charles Rammelkamp examines Drew Pisarra’s poetic tribute to the films of Rainer Fassbinder

Poetry review – REFLECTIONS IN A DIRTY MIRROR: Charles Rammelkamp surveys Tony Dawson’s somewhat bleak view of the world

Poetry review – PERISHABLE: Charles Rammelkamp reviews a collection of lyrical narratives by Stelios Mormoris

Poetry review – HIVE: Charles Rammelkamp is captivated by Suzanne Mercury’s poem which draws on numerology and apiculture

Poetry review – CHEAP MOTELS OF MY YOUTH: Charles Rammelkamp warmly welcomes a new collection by George Bilgere Cheap Motels of My Youth George Bilgere Rattle, 2024 ISBN: 978-1-931307-56-7 40 pages $9.00 George Bilgere’s poems are always poignant and funny, clever and intelligent. He writes movingly about age and time, just as […]

Poetry review – HOLLYWOOD OR HOME: Charles Rammelkamp enjoys Kathryn Gray’s excursions into the illusory world of film where the past seems to be preserved even as time moves on for the rest of us.
Poetry review – LOSS AND ITS ANTONYM: Charles Rammelkamp admires Alison Prine’s poetry about grief and love
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • books, poetry reviews, year 2024 0 • Tags: books, Charles Rammelkamp, poetry