Dante’s Divine Comedy. Review by Alan Price. Here we have a guide to the circumstances and influence of Dante’s great poem and a prose translation of The Divine Comedy.
THE ART OF INCLUSION: Charles Rammelkamp considers this intriguing mix of memoir, tribute and poetry anthology compiled and edited by John Lavin, Aaren Perry & Eleanor Wilner
Poetry review – OPUS 1: Nicholas Bielby reflects on a substantial and highly original (but not entirely successful) collection by W D Jackson
THE BOOKSTORE BOOK: Charles Rammelkamp reviews a memoir in poetry and prose by Ron Kolm
HARDY WOMEN: MOTHER, SISTERS, WIVES, MUSES: Kevin Saving reviews Paula Byrne’s extensive examination of significant women in Thomas Hardy’s life
SHAKESPEARE IN AN AGE OF ANXIETY: John Lucas admires Neville Grant’s new study of Shakespeare’s plays prior to 1603 – and is already impatient for a sequel
CONTRAFLOW: Paul McDonald finds some surprises in a new and unusual anthology of English poetry from the last hundred years
THE PROCESS OF POETRY: Roger Caldwell browses an instructive selection of case studies in poetic composition compiled by Rosanna McGlone
Poetry review – EDGAR: Stephen Claughton considers Malcolm Carson’s extended exploration of a poetic persona
SUPER-INFINITE: Kevin Saving looks at Katherine Rundell’s recent study of John Donne
Decadent Women. Review by Alan Price. Jad Adam’s book is the first to document the female contribution to a journal that began to be associated with the blanket term decadence. From 1894 to 1897 it was London’s most chic publication that new writers clamoured to be in.
Write like a man. Review by Julia Pascal. Ronnie A. Grinberg’s detailed analysis of mid-twentieth century America’s masculine Jewish literary elites is a careful examination of the major personalities.
By Julia Pascal • added recently on London Grip, authors, books, literature • Tags: authors, books, Julia Pascal, literature