Ida Lupino, Filmmaker. Review by Alan Price. Ida Lupino, Filmmaker is a welcome volume of essays on a director who isn’t easy to categorise and remains problematic and underappreciated because of that fact.

The Magic Realism of the Taviani Brothers. Review by Alan Price. With the films of the Taviani Brothers we have a pair of cinema magicians, great fabulists steeped in the art of literary storytelling, who directed engrossing tales of beauty and imagination.

The Zone of Interest. Review by Graham Buchan. What qualifies a film as a masterpiece? Well, if it rattles around your mind for several days afterwards that’s a pretty good sign. The Zone of Interest does this in spades, having already chilled you to the marrow.

Ray Harryhausen: Special Edition Collection. Review by Alan Price. Ray’s unique imaginative insight into his beautifully made models is a great validation for the artistry of stop motion: one artist’s sole painstaking control over his creation – all those hours, in solitude, crafting the finally realised results.

Jerzy Skolimowski. Review by Alan Price. Watching the 1960’s films of Jerzy Skolimowski is to be transported back to a time of youthful radicalism: a cultural space of provocative inventiveness and style.

Scala!!! Review by Alan Price. Last night I attended a screening of the new documentary Scala!!! which tells the story of London’s Scala cinema from the 1960s to its closure in 1993. Its most fondly remembered home was in a seedy King’s Cross long before its eventual gentrification.

It’s A Wonderful Life . Review by Alan Price. Christmas is coming and in many parts of the world Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life will be screened in cinemas and on television.

The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman. Review by Alan Price. Do we need another book on Ingmar Bergman? Although the sheer quantity of Bergman books doesn’t exceed Alfred Hitchcock there also exists a huge number of scholarly articles and PhDs on the Swedish master of film. In the case of Peter Cowie we can say yes to another book.

Bluebeard’s Castle. Review by Alan Price. Bluebeard’s Castle is one of Michael Powell’s striking music films. And he’s made quite a few of them. Powell directs the opera’s singers / actors with a purposeful intensity.
Hollywood and the Movies of the Fifties. Review by Alan Price. Putting trailer hyperbole to one side, Hirsch has written one of the best, most engaging and detailed accounts of this wonderful, probably best, period in American cinema.
By Alan Price • film, history, year 2024 • Tags: Alan Price, film, history