THE ART OF INCLUSION: Charles Rammelkamp considers this intriguing mix of memoir, tribute and poetry anthology compiled and edited by John Lavin, Aaren Perry & Eleanor Wilner

TRUTH OR FICTION?: Andrew Keanie discusses Doreen Maitre’s view that a work of fiction can expound philosophical ideas just as effectively as an academic text

Poetry review – WING FORMULA: Sue Wallace-Shaddad enjoys a promising debut pamphlet by Emilie Jelinek

THE SERVANTS AND OTHER STRANGE STORIES: Maria C McCarthy admires this intriguing and varied collection by John O’Donoghue

Powell and Pressburger’s War. Review by Alan Price. From 1939-1946 Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger produced eight remarkable propaganda feature films but neither felt their artistic integrity was compromised from being backed by The Ministry of Information.
Wagner and the Bayreuth Festival. Review by Graham Buchan. Wagner divides opinion. Even amongst opera lovers there are those who cannot abide his works, whilst others elevate him to almost God-like status.
By Graham Buchan • music, opera, theatre, year 2024 • Tags: Graham Buchan, music, opera, theatre