High and Low and Stray Dog (Kurosawa). Review by Alan Price. Crime films with a tinge of film noir are not the obvious genres that spring to mind when you think of the typical output of Akira Kurosawa.

THE TRAVELS OF A PINK FEATHER: Lisa Kelly reports from the first international Performance Poetry Biennial Symposium-Festival

Dante’s Divine Comedy. Review by Alan Price. Here we have a guide to the circumstances and influence of Dante’s great poem and a prose translation of The Divine Comedy.

Alfred Hitchcock – All the Films. Review by Alan Price. The first thing to do with a book like this is to check that all of Hitchcock’s films have been covered. And not just the well-known titles but lesser-known works too.

Poetry review – STAR: Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch reviews a collection of Christmas poems by Angela Graham

Wagner and the Bayreuth Festival. Review by Graham Buchan. Wagner divides opinion. Even amongst opera lovers there are those who cannot abide his works, whilst others elevate him to almost God-like status.

THE ART OF INCLUSION: Charles Rammelkamp considers this intriguing mix of memoir, tribute and poetry anthology compiled and edited by John Lavin, Aaren Perry & Eleanor Wilner
Poetry review – SELF GEOFFERENTIAL: Charles Rammelkamp takes two-fold pleasure from Geoffrey Gatza’s new collection
By Michael Bartholomew-Biggs • books, poetry reviews, year 2025 0 • Tags: books, Charles Rammelkamp, poetry