As if an extraordinary imagination for fantastic, unsettling monsters and a genius ahead of his time for sensitive, naturalistic depictions of ordinary people weren’t enough, Hieronymous Bosch also had a modern knack for successful branding.
art history

In Brussels, art nouveau found its most complete expression in the architecture of Victor Horta. Now the Brussels’ Musees Royaux des Beaux Arts has devoted a huge new “Fin-de-Siecle” section, a museum in itself, to the artistic context in which he thrived.
By Barbara Lewis • art, exhibitions, painting, Year 2013 • Tags: art, art history, art nouveau, Barbara Lewis, exhibitions, museums, painting, sculpture
The cliché is that first novels are always autobiographical. Dutch writer Jeroen Blokhuis instead hides behind the biographical in his verbal portrait of one of the greatest painters his nation has produced.
By Barbara Lewis • art, books, year 2017 • Tags: art, art history, Barbara Lewis, books, painting